Indian - Korean Video Contest 2021


Dear Students,

This is to inform you all that the Indian Embassy in South Korea and the South Korean Embassy in India are jointly organising a special Video Contest to mark 75 years of Indian Independence. 

Under the Contest, Applicants are required to create a short Video Clip of no more than 60 seconds and submit it as individual entries. The winning entries will be awarded based on Content, Delivery Skills, Language Expression Skills and Video Quality.

The Prize Money for the Contest is as follows:

1st Prize - Rs. 65,000

2nd Prize - Rs. 35,000

3rd Prize - Rs 15,000

Additionally, 10 other videos that have been shortlisted will be awarded Prize Money of Rs. 6,500 each.

Detailed information of the Contest, Poster, Application Form and FAQs have been shared in the Official Communication Groups. We hope students will make full use of this Fantastic Video Contest brought to us by the Diplomatic Community and we look forward to seeing some winners from amongst you all !